Saturday, 25 October 2014

Reaching Out

For our collaborative class project, I reached out to two fellow bloggers recently; namely Leigh-Ann Brodber of Disturbing the Normies blog and Olivia Andrews of How do you manage with your duties as a single parent along with school and work blog.

We had loads of fun collaborating and did guest posts for each other's blogs. There were even some funny moments, for example, while chatting with Leigh-Ann via Facebook Messenger, her status kept saying she was in Sierra Leone...she wasn't of course - she was in Trinidad. We had a good laugh about it - apparently she was travelling the world while sitting at her computer.

Although our blog topics weren't similar, we realised we each had something of importance to share with each other. In the end, I contributed an article to Leigh-Ann on why people go so far as to ban certain books...I wanted to know what do they insist on curbing a reader's choice of reading material. Leigh-Ann in turn contributed an article to my blog where she discussed why people should feel free to read what they want without the fear of being judged for their choices. It was an awesome, fun and smooth collaboration and we both helped drive traffic to each other's blogs by sharing our guest posts.

Olivia also contributed to my blog by giving her insight as a mother as to must-read books for kids and I spoke about my experience as a single parent juggling a career and tertiary studies on her blog. The collaborative efforts showed me to think outside the box - that we all have something to offer to each other from our experiences in life, never mind that our blog ideas may be different - WE ARE NOT POLES APART. Olivia and I also helped drive traffic to each other's blogs by sharing our guest posts with others.

This collaboration taught me:
- that we all have something to offer each other
- that we are all experts in different fields, based on our experiences in life
- that we can help each other - (driving traffic to each other's blogs)
- to think outside the box

Here are the links to our guest posts:

Olivia's post on my blog:
My post on her blog:
Leigh-Ann's post on my blog:
My post on Leigh-Ann's blog:!book-slavery/c7i6