Friday, 21 November 2014

Movie Lover and Bookworm Collaboration
Guest blogger Stephanie Rattan is a film lover like I am a book lover. Since there have been many great movies that came out of books, Stephanie and I decided to collaborate on our mutual love – a good story.

We decided on the classic The Great Gatsby, a book set in the 1920s that has been made into a movie six times. She shared her thoughts on my blog on what she thought about the book and I shared what I thought on her blog what I thought about the latest movie remake (2013). Stephanie really enjoyed the book, even going so far as to say it is one of her favourites. However, I could not say the same about the movie. I found the movie confusing and ‘all over the place’. 

It was amazing to see how Stephanie and I could look at the same story and critique it so differently. It made our collaboration even more exciting, because we didn’t agree. Instead, we challenged each other’s ideas. Stephanie challenged me to look at the story in a more positive light and I dared her to pull apart what has been revered as a classic and reevaluate it.  

This lent to a more open collaborative experience which I thoroughly enjoyed. I learnt to be less critical of things and to learn to enjoy a story for what it was. I must say, this collaboration really jogged my thinking and made me reexamine how I critique movies – maybe I start off a little biased because I prefer books…who knows….

Food for thought.